Before applying to the Public Policy Internship Program's Austin, Texas location, please review and take the information below into consideration. If you have any further questions or concerns, contact the program staff at ppip@ag.tamu.edu.
The table below provides estimated costs for students to consider during their internship semester in Austin. Students should be advised that these are approximate and that costs may vary depending on each intern’s individual experiences.
Tuition is calculated based on the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in and will be billed by the student’s home institution. Students are strongly encouraged to contact their academic advisor to discuss enrolled credits during the internship semester. Texas A&M University students may utilize the Tuition Calculator to estimate tuition costs.
Students are encouraged to visit Texas A&M's Money Management page, or an equivalent resource at their home institution, for tips on budgeting for their internship semester.
Estimated Costs
Housing & Utilities $1500 monthly Tuition & Fees* $75 co-op fee + tuition, if applicable Flight n/a Groceries $60 weekly Local Transportation $50 monthly Recreation $60 weekly Required Health Insurance Varies *This estimate is applicable only to Texas A&M University students enrolled in the program internship course. Students from other universities within the System should refer to their home institution’s billing rates.
Participants in the Austin, Texas program are expected to serve the entire 140-day Texas Legislative session (mid-January through early June), which exceeds most university's spring semester.
Prospective PPIP interns are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor at their home institution to discuss how participating in PPIP could impact their degree plan prior to submitting a PPIP application. Please talk to your academic advisor about receiving course credit while interning with the Public Policy Internship Program.
PPIP interns from Texas A&M University are required to enroll in UGST 492: Co-op in Public Policy during the internship semester and complete the course assignments via Canvas. UGST 492 is a university-approved co-op that allows for variable credit (0-3 hours). Students should consult their academic departments to determine the appropriate number of credit hours for their individual degree plans.
Seniors graduating in December* are eligible to intern with PPIP the semester after graduation in Austin, Texas! Affected students will be flagged as "U5-continuing" (post-baccalaureate undergraduate) through the registrar's office by program staff, which allows the student to participate in PPIP. The U5 classification does not impact the student's graduation, therefore students may still walk and receive their diplomas!
Students participating in PPIP after graduation must still adhere to all Texas A&M University student rules, as well as PPIP rules and expectations. This includes enrolling in UGST 492, which they may choose to take for zero (0) hours.
UGST 492 is a graded course that will impact a student's GPR and transcript, even if enrolled for zero (0) credit hours. Enrollment in UGST 492 will classify the student as full-time with the Registrar's office as long as they enroll for at least one (1) credit hour. Please note that this is not the same as being considered full-time for financial aid purposes. The UGST 492 course incurs the $75 co-op fee charged by the university. All interns will pay this fee regardless of how many hours for which they are registered.
In addition to the UGST 492 course, some PPIP interns may earn additional hours that count towards graduation by enrolling in online coursework during the internship semester. However, because PPIP interns work full-time (40+ hours per week), the PPIP staff does not recommend enrolling in more than six (6) credit hours.
*Interning with PPIP after graduation is not an option for graduate students.
Interns participating in PPIP who are enrolled at other universities within the Texas A&M University System will be required to enroll in internship credit through their respective home institutions. Interns should consult with their academic advisors to determine the appropriate internship course credit, understand how it fits into their overall academic plan, and assess its impact on their full-time status or graduation timeline.
In addition to an internship course, some PPIP interns may earn additional hours that count towards graduation by enrolling in online coursework at their home institution during the internship semester. However, because PPIP interns work full-time (40+ hours per week), the PPIP staff does not recommend enrolling in more than six (6) credit hours.
Financial aid eligibility varies among students. It is ultimately the responsibility of each prospective intern to meet with an advisor from the Scholarships & Financial Aid office at their home institution to discuss how participation in the Public Policy Internship Program will affect the student's financial aid eligibility.
Please note that while PPIP interns from Texas A&M University enrolled in the program’s UGST course for at least one (1) credit hour are classified as full-time with the Registrar's Office, this does not mean that they are considered full-time for scholarship and financial aid purposes.
The Public Policy Internship Program is not able to provide housing for interns participating in the Austin, Texas program. As an Austin intern, the student is responsible for securing their own housing accommodations for the duration of the internship. Please note that the student will need to secure housing for the full duration of the legislative session, and potentially for a longer period.
Starting a new job, moving to a new city, and learning the ropes can be daunting, but the Public Policy Internship Program helps its interns navigate the road to success!
Students accepted into PPIP must attend all training sessions and pre-departure events in College Station. There are typically 2-3 required weeknight events in addition to an Intern Training Day. Intern Training Day, held at the end of the semester, consists of a full day (8 am-5 pm) of sessions and activities with several Texas A&M administrators and special guests. Each PPIP intern will also have an individual meeting with program staff to discuss internship placement options. Additionally, PPIP hosts an optional intern social which allows interns to network and socialize in an informal setting.
Students accepted into PPIP from other universities in the System must attend all training sessions and pre-departure events virtually. There are typically 2-3 required weeknight events in addition to an Intern Training Day. Intern Training Day, held at the end of the semester, consists of a full day (8 am-5 pm) of sessions and activities with several Texas A&M administrators and special guests. Each PPIP intern will also have an individual meeting with program staff to discuss internship placement options.
All PPIP interns are required to possess valid health insurance for the duration of the internship semester. Students will be responsible for providing a current copy of their health insurance card to program staff prior to leaving for their internship.
Students may use their current health insurance plan or may purchase insurance through their home institution. Please visit your home institution's website below for more information on health insurance plans and eligibility.
One day you might be exploring all that Austin has to offer and the next you might be writing a bill that changes lives. Juggling multiple lives as a capitol intern is an honor that is literally history in the making.