- Inside the Capitol
While most people have visited and looked around the Capitol, there is much more to see than what meets the eye. As a staffer, you can partake in a few exclusive tours/viewings inside the Capitol that are not open to the public, one of which is a Dome Tour. A Dome Tour is essentially a tour of the highest point of the Capitol, given by the Sergeants office. With over 300 stairs and 3 different height levels, the Dome Tour is a great way to get your steps in and see downtown Austin from almost 300 feet in the air.
- Staff/Member Events
As a staffer, most of our time is spent at the office, doing actual work, but we do occasionally get to step off campus for some fun events. In February, I was able to attend an event called “Military Day”, where I spoke with members of the National Guard, had the opportunity to go through simulations, and flew around Austin in a C-130J. Next month, the House is planning a Member Football Game at Kyle Field, where staff will get to see their Representative partake in a game!
- Networking/Receptions
After a long day of work, most people want to go home and relax. However, a huge part of the job is making valuable connections. The further we get into session, the more receptions and networking opportunities we have. In fact, there are usually multiple receptions taking place every night. As a rule of thumb, try to go to at least one reception a week. You’ll never know who you might meet!
Overall, the best way to make the most of your internship is to take advantage of the opportunities given to you. Go to everything you can, make connections, and enjoy your time in the Capitol!