Have you ever wondered what really goes down at the Texas Capitol? How people can navigate their way through the endless maze that is the Capitol, and how in the world everyone seems to know everyone else?
When I first started at the Capitol, it was very overwhelming, every hallway seemed to look the same (don’t even get me started on the extension), and everyone somehow knew everyone’s names and their stories. As I sat at my desk the first few weeks and watched the countless people filter through the office, I thought to myself there is no way I’ll ever be able to remember this many people. Turns out I was wrong. I can confidentially say I have never shaken this many hands in my life and have become quite proud of my ability to remember all the faces (I’m still working on the names).

All it Takes is:
- Countless trial and error and volunteering to deliver things for your office
- Many wrong turns, including walking up the wrong stairs in front of a lot of people
- Numerous questions to DPS officers
- Accepting you must go to networking events no matter how badly you may want to go home and sleep instead
- If there is a special day, AKA rattlesnake day, always go
After all this, what do you think goes on in the four ways of the Capitol? Does it still seem like a super serious work environment to you?
Abby Powell
Office of State Representative Nicole Collier
Austin, Texas | Spring 2023