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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live multiple lives? While I might not have the exact answer to that question, I can speak on the many lives capitol interns might have. Whether juggling a full-time job along with classes, keeping up with your social life, or catching lunch with a lobbyist, the life of a Capitol intern is never simple. Finding the perfect balance between your social and work life can be difficult, especially with a job as demanding as ours. Canceling plans quickly becomes normal, and staying late on Fridays soon becomes expected. While this blog post may seem like a rant from an overworked intern, I would like to provide a different perspective, one from an intern that wants to be put to work. Working at the capitol has taught me three things:

- Always bring a pair of flats.
- Expect to run into somebody important in the elevators.
- Your office will go all out for your birthday.

One day you might be exploring all that Austin has to offer, and the next, you might help write a bill that changes lives. Juggling multiple lives as a Capitol intern is an honor that is literally history in the making. So what do you think? Could you live the multiple lives of a Capitol intern?

Lillian Dacke
Office of State Representative Lacey Hull
Austin, Texas | Spring 2023

Group of people standing on high cliff posing with bridge behind them Lillian sitting at desk with decorations around her